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How to Get Rid of Rats and Mice?

Eliminating Rodents: How to Get Rid of Rats and Mice? How many times have you heard someone says: “I put a lot of mousetrap, but rats always escape”? yes of course there are several free or cheap ways to catch mice, but it is not effective enough to eliminate a number of mice, especially if it became an epidemic in an area. Below we will show you some effective ways to control rodents in and around your home. Notes You should follow before getting rid of rodents and mice • Keep traps away from children. • Keep traps away from pets. • Set aside a cupboard of kitchen cabinets to place hidden traps to protect it from children. • Block any broken kitchen tubes to prevent more mice from reaching. • Before the distribution of traps, search about rodent’s waste, put the traps in that place. • Put some cardboard under the traps to protect the area from rates disease. • If you had to put traps on floor close the place well, not to reach it by children or pets. But can rodents always be treated by this way? To know the answer of this question, we first have to understand what rodents are and how they live. What are rodents? 40% of the mammalian population on the planet are rodents. They are growing so fast, have sharp front teeth that lend everything. Cause a threat to human crops. They eat everything, whatever the quantity. Always destroy stored foods as well. However, a large proportion, such as mice, have difficulty in vision. Most rodents depends on the sense of smell. They rely on urine and glandular secretion to recognize their kin. There is different kind of mice some of them are good climber, like to live in roof and upper stories and exterior vegetation. They did not prefer cold weather. How to Get Rid of Rats? You can use rodent management tools such as: • Series rat glue tray. • Series mouse glue boards. • Roll caching zone. • Easy set snap traps. • Cold temperature rodent tray. • Digital custom glue board. But we had to say that trapping is more safe than rodenticides. By using it you ensure that dead rats get deposited before their odor becomes bad. And it is more safe for children. But rodenticides are more effective with high number of mice, some rodenticides are soft or solid granules that cause blood clotting and lack of oxygen to mice, after a short while the mice dies. All these tools are good. But the most effective way is to call us at 920000989


Why Cockroaches attack our homes? A lot of people hate Cockroach. They deal with them as invaders. Why? We will discuss that later. Preventing Cockroaches from returning or not hiding is a difficult process. The news said while a person cleaning his home telephone he found a lot o dead Cockroaches inside it. He had no idea how these Cockroaches comes here. Why Cockroaches attack our homes? Cockroaches lives everywhere in the world, at any environment, it can live also at cold weather, or under the bomb. They love soft skin of your body, but their bites not dangerous. If you have allergic you will be n problem with Cockroaches bits. They attack everything, clothes, food, furniture, leather, waste material, plants, and everything. Cockroaches spreading bacteria and germs. salmonella, streptococcus and others directly in your body, or un directly by attacking your food. Preventing Cockroaches Really, it is not easy. Like it or not Cockroaches loves our homes, they love worm, food, water and everything else. They active every day in a year. Hence, not just we must eliminates them, but also, prevent them from beginning. Here are some ways to do that: • Cover all liquids. • Don’t leave food everywhere. • Keep your wood clean and varnish them always. • Use chemical powder or liquid that killing Cockroaches. • Keep all places clean, stove tops, counters and floors. • Repair all broken things or through it. • Seal holes at everywhere, at doors, windows and other areas. • Monitor your home if you see on of these signs: eggs, droppings, shed skins that means you have Cockroaches in your home. Finally call us, you will have professional Cockroach prevention. With us you will have a best way of exterminate of Cockroaches. And you will have a best control of it. With professionals a long time elimination of Cockroaches, the thing you exactly need Contact us and we will answering you about any question.

Wind spider

Wind spider also known as Galeodes arabs, Egyptian Giant Solpugid or Camel Spider, is a species of solifuges or sun spiders native to North Africa and Western Asia. How dose Wind spider cause pain to human? Wind spider is not lethal insect, it just cause pain by cutter in front of its body. It has a long hair appendages and light colure so they call it sun spider. Mating of Wind spider Like all solifuges, male deposited spermatogonia in the female. They stroke the female to avoid dyeing. Female often feed on males before or after mating. Female put its eggs in burrow, some of them grads the eggs and some of them don’t. if you notice an increase in their number around your property, that means mating season is coming. Chemicals you buy is not sufficient and may not work. Here some ways to help you. How to get rid of a Wind spider? 1. Sticky traps Put it in corners and under furniture, and around your home, you had to know where is the highest percentage of that insect. 2. Notes your rooms Give good attention to corners, and the hidden areas in the rooms. 3. Ensure cleanliness Stay in constant follow-up for all the places you suspect that Wind spiders hiding, and make sure that there are resistance capsules containing rid powder in your home for a period of time. 4. Remove the waste Remove unnecessary plants, and moisture around the house, trim trees and dead branches, and make sure that the windows and doors are clean from the outside. Also remove the accumulated excess clothing, leaves and other things that can be difficult to clean. 5. Get rid of their food The insect feed on the scorpions and some other insects, so you have to get rid of these insects also.

Conclusion The insect is known to the inhabitants of the desert in the Arab countries, you may think it is seems useful to eliminate the scorpions, but it causes pain and may cause inflammation. With all of the above methods, using a professionals is the best way to get rid of wind spiders, all you have to do is contact us, our professional teams are always in service. Call us now.

Termite control

Termite not likely any ant, it is a silent destroyer. Termite active 365 day a year. It can cause a big damage to the building, living as group or colonies ranging from handed to millions. Termites are coming from Jurassic or Triassic period. About 3,106 species are currently described. It is feeding on dead plant material and cellulose, generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung.

How to protect your home or building from termites 1. Be sure it is has been preventively treated for termites from the beginning. New buildings, and old buildings, must be properly pre-treated at the time of construction. 2. Check termite treatment to see if there is anything happened to compromise the effectiveness of the treatment. Existing buildings must be periodically re-treated, it depends on the type of treatment used. Why infection with termite happened? 1. Building was not properly treated. 2. Termite treatment has degraded over time. 3. Conducive conditions that allowed termites to invade the building. Signs of infection 1. See the Termite directly 2. Seeing damaged and eroded wood. If you see Termite or if you feel that you have it in your home or building, then, call us to help you in controlling termite. Termite control is not a do-it-yourself project! You must have termite controlling and regulating service to check your building periodically. Also Experian and professional team will know if your building need a preventive termite treatment or a remedial treatment to eliminate termite infestation. So, contacting us is the best way. First of all it too important to contract licensed controller company, to be sure about efficiency. The second we have will trained employ. The third we have good technicians and material that you will need in treating. We follow standards for giving you a best quality and a best service.

Locusts, types and prevention methods

Locusts mentioned in a Holy Quran, as a kind of torment for those whom do bad things. Usually it lives lonely, but in some cases it becoming gregarious. Adult locusts are harmful, they travel a long distance causing damage to green field. Locust shape The length of the locust varies from 3 to 13 cm, like other insects its body divided into: head, chest, abdomen and legs. His body covered by a very solid substance of chitin, but this substance does not protect it from spiders, birds, mice, and even humans. Locust colors The color of the locust varies, and even the one locust has the ability to adapt to different environments. This property is important for many animals, including locusts to help it hiding in its environments. Locusts color remains green in solitary phase, then becoming dark brown or black in gregarious phase. Changes in their color depends on BCBP protein. The more maturity, the higher the level of the protein. list of Locust • Desert locust • Rocky mountain locust • Brown locust • Australian locust • Red locust • Moroccan locust People ‘s customs with locusts People’s habits vary, some countries find it a delicious meal, they may collect it and sale it for cooking like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco. others find it as a harmful insect they must get rid of it.

Locust control methods • Chemicals. Disadvantages of chemicals it may kill some other insect or plants. • metarhizium acridum, a fungal isolates. It is a safe way to get rid of locust. • flamethrowers, an old way used for burning locust to get rid of them. Whatever you think about locusts, it not harmful in solitary phase, but when it becomes swarm of winged adult it causes a lot of damage to fields. The best way to get rid of locusts is contacting us, our specialized teams in your service on time.

Freezing Bugs

Bed Bugs is a blood-soaked, absolutely you don’t want to imagine that your home can be exposed to bed bugs. You will have a bad sleep as long as it exists. It can stay without food for a year. Bed Bugs are founded everywhere except Antarctica, for that scientists have an idea, “Freezing Bugs”. Get rid of bugs by freezing When dealing with bed bugs at high temperatures, you may be exposed to combustion, to avoid difficulties we use freezing for killing bugs. It is a kind of burning but it is cold burning, and it is more effective and safe than using the high temperature. If you think that low temperatures are killing bugs you will be wrong. It is not enough to make the room cool you need temperatures below -18 ° C to get rid of them, not for a day but for 4 days at least. You had to know that Bed bugs have a high cold tolerance. They can remain active at low temperatures. So you had to be sure it will exposed to extreme cold below 0° for several days. The first step if you notice bed bugs in your home is contacting specialists to help you get rid of them, skilled specialist are the only one who are able to deal with freezing bugs. Materials used to freeze bugs • Plastic bags. • Thermometer • Freezer. • Freeze gas sprayers Are there certain things that can be frozen? • Books. • Shoes • Kids games • Non-sensitive, non-screen electronic devices • Any non-sensitive thing Are there tools that should be kept away from freezing and caution while dealing with freezing? • Old books. • Sensitive electronics • Items that may be damaged by liquids • Tools made from materials that damaged by frozen Conclusion We will start count days when freezing temperature reach 0 to -18 , then freeze continuously for 4 days, not less than that, to ensure that the bugs; small or large are killed. Cold weather or frosty weather does not kill bugs. Do not think that once you turn off any heat source in the house you will eliminate the bugs. Any sunbeam, or any temperature above zero, even for a moment, will allow bugs to continue alive. Contacting a specialist for freezing bugs is essential, they are more experienced, and will help you eliminate bugs without damaging any contents in your apartment. If you think you need help, you can contact us for advice, we are at your service, skilled customers around the clock.

5 Ways to prevent rats from invasive your Home

Nobody wants mice in home. Nobody wants infections, diseases, or anything else mice can do. But with cold weather outside home there is a probability for unexpected guests: rats and mice. Mice looking for warmth, and food. If they found dirt, debris, and spills they’ll come. And it’s harder to track down pests in an untidy home. So, Your first step is to keep your home clean and tidy at all times. What do rats like in homes? The smell of food attracts the mice, pasta, cereals, sugars, and even animals food. All these things attracts mice even if the food is covered the mice nose is so sensitive. How rats and mice enter homes? Window, doors, holes, sands from everywhere, mice and rats can squeeze through tiny openings. They will spread disease and bacteria, and they can damage wires and furniture. So, be sure to check your basement, attics and walls for signs of pest activity. 5 ways to prevent rats and mice 1. Control food sources, restricting access to food sources is the most important thing to prevent mice from attacking your home. Clean every ting after eating, through garbage away, etc. 2. Windows and doors, take care of them and close them in a good way especially at night. And if you let a small open for cats or dog you must be worry about using the mice to this open. 3. Seal, you must check walls for gaps and cracks. Seal up any gaps with caulk or steel wool. 4. Mousetrap, it is effective if there is on mouse at home but it is not effective for high number of mice. 5. Call experience, feel free to contact us and ask for advice. Professionals is the best way, safety way, and the fastest way to get rid of mice. We have will experienced team that can deal with any number of mice. Our team will drive them back out and make sure they don’t come back.

Get rid of Snakes

Imagine you are walking around your house, suddenly you find a snakes, what will you do?!

All of us dream about beautiful house with a beautiful garden, but gardens means snakes. So, you had to ask yourself, how can I get garden free of snakes?

First of all you had to know that there is 3700 kind of snakes around the world, 300 of them are poisonous, 150 can cause death if it bit you.

The most famous snakes

  • Saw-scaled viper
  • King cobra
  • Tiger snake
  • Inland taipan
  • Others

People had to differentiate between venomous and non-venomous snakes. The venomous snakes can cause a fast death, but non-venous snakes can cause infections or massive lacerations. So, bit of snakes need a fast medical care.

How to get rid of common house Snakes

  • Snakes love hiding, so if you don’t want to deal with them put trap to them, and let them fall in it, you can put some food on a trap.
  • Keep your house and your yard clean.
  • Chemicals, you can use it to make snakes go faraway.
  • Onions and garlic is a natural ways to repel Snakes you can put them around the house when the snake come out to take a sun path it will inter the house. the odor of onion and garlic you will keep them Snakes away.
  • Cayenne Pepper as a powder or spray.
  • Hire professionals, it is so important to hire professionals if there is a lot of snakes or there is a venomous snakes. You don’t want harming yourself.

Or you can calling us, and we will contacting you, sending our experienced team to deal with Snakes in your home or garden. Professionals is the best way, safety way, and the fastest way to get rid of common house Snakes. We have will experienced team of snakes controller. Feel free to contact and ask for advice.


There are more than 1000 kind of lizards and 6 families of Gekkota. Most of them are small founded in all places except Antarctic. You can find  Geckos in  a cold mountain, desert, wood, and etc.

Geckos can survive by some physical feature they developed for a long time. Tail acts as a fat store, help balance their weights, and eliminate it if  anybody caught the tail. Feet of Geckos modified for climbing, it’s toes are covered with tiny hairlike or microscopic hooks. Geckos used that hooks to walking on irregular surface. Geckos are night active lizards. Making noise such as chirping. Geckos female put their eggs on leaves, both male and female have no movable eyelids, instead of that, Geckos have transparent eyelid.

How to get rid of common house Geckos

  • Geckos love heating and food, so if you don’t want Geckos in your house, you must first keep it clean.

  • Eggshells, when you but it around your house it keeps Geckos faraway.

  • Also, mothballs have an ability of making Geckos faraway from your house.

  • Onions and garlic is a natural ways to repel Geckos. By oder of onion and garlic you will say bye to Geckos.

  • Coffee and tobacco are a poisonous compound for Geckos. It killing Geckos so fast when Geckos eats the compound.

  • Cayenne Pepper as a powder or spray.

  • If you need to catch it alive put a flash light in a box, The Geckos will come to the worm and light source especially if there is a food in box. Now you can hold it and return it to the nature.

Or you can calling us, and we will contacting you sending our experienced team to deal with Geckos in your home or garden. Professionals is the best way, safety way, and the fastest way to get rid of common house Geckos.

4 Most Commonly Cockroaches

If you live in any place in the world you will notice that there is 4 commonly Cockroaches. Most of us hate Cockroaches a lot, especially, when they start flapping their wings on  the air. That will certainly have anyone screaming. Cockroaches are in the top the list of insect world must control. Here is most famous types:

 German Cockroach

Cockroaches spread around the world, it likes human shields, especially those in the warm areas, characterized by a length of 10-15 mm in two lines on his body, and something like a shield on the head, a winged insects, males are physically slim of females and color lighter than females as well. Each female has 4-9 caps and each capsule containing 37-44 eggs and a 100-day life cycle.

American Cockroach

Is the largest common cockroaches with a length of 4 cm, males are usually larger than females and tends to brown color burned, with some yellow or light lines on the outer cover, the female produces only one capsule per month and each capsule in which 16 eggs, the life cycle of this insect from 100 days to 3 Years.

Brown Banded Cockroach

A cockroach is always living in homes, very disturbing, like a German but smaller in size, no lines on his outer body, males taller than females. Males have a disturbing sound when they fly like a noise, while females can’t fly. Each capsule has 16 eggs, and its life cycle is only 90-115 days.

Oriental Cockroach

One inch long, dark color, may be black, has wings vary between males and females but not used in flight, the duration of her life is very short does not exceed 6 months.

The previous types doesn’t means that the only types, but means the most famous. You may find others, especially if your home has a garden and trees.

If you want to get rid of roaches especially If  you’ve got a big infestation, try contacting us. You will have a best control for long time.