4 Most Commonly Cockroaches

If you live in any place in the world you will notice that there is 4 commonly Cockroaches. Most of us hate Cockroaches a lot, especially, when they start flapping their wings on  the air. That will certainly have anyone screaming. Cockroaches are in the top the list of insect world must control. Here is most famous types:

 German Cockroach

Cockroaches spread around the world, it likes human shields, especially those in the warm areas, characterized by a length of 10-15 mm in two lines on his body, and something like a shield on the head, a winged insects, males are physically slim of females and color lighter than females as well. Each female has 4-9 caps and each capsule containing 37-44 eggs and a 100-day life cycle.

American Cockroach

Is the largest common cockroaches with a length of 4 cm, males are usually larger than females and tends to brown color burned, with some yellow or light lines on the outer cover, the female produces only one capsule per month and each capsule in which 16 eggs, the life cycle of this insect from 100 days to 3 Years.

Brown Banded Cockroach

A cockroach is always living in homes, very disturbing, like a German but smaller in size, no lines on his outer body, males taller than females. Males have a disturbing sound when they fly like a noise, while females can’t fly. Each capsule has 16 eggs, and its life cycle is only 90-115 days.

Oriental Cockroach

One inch long, dark color, may be black, has wings vary between males and females but not used in flight, the duration of her life is very short does not exceed 6 months.

The previous types doesn’t means that the only types, but means the most famous. You may find others, especially if your home has a garden and trees.

If you want to get rid of roaches especially If  you’ve got a big infestation, try contacting us. You will have a best control for long time.