5 Ways to prevent rats from invasive your Home

Nobody wants mice in home. Nobody wants infections, diseases, or anything else mice can do. But with cold weather outside home there is a probability for unexpected guests: rats and mice. Mice looking for warmth, and food. If they found dirt, debris, and spills they’ll come. And it’s harder to track down pests in an untidy home. So, Your first step is to keep your home clean and tidy at all times. What do rats like in homes? The smell of food attracts the mice, pasta, cereals, sugars, and even animals food. All these things attracts mice even if the food is covered the mice nose is so sensitive. How rats and mice enter homes? Window, doors, holes, sands from everywhere, mice and rats can squeeze through tiny openings. They will spread disease and bacteria, and they can damage wires and furniture. So, be sure to check your basement, attics and walls for signs of pest activity. 5 ways to prevent rats and mice 1. Control food sources, restricting access to food sources is the most important thing to prevent mice from attacking your home. Clean every ting after eating, through garbage away, etc. 2. Windows and doors, take care of them and close them in a good way especially at night. And if you let a small open for cats or dog you must be worry about using the mice to this open. 3. Seal, you must check walls for gaps and cracks. Seal up any gaps with caulk or steel wool. 4. Mousetrap, it is effective if there is on mouse at home but it is not effective for high number of mice. 5. Call experience, feel free to contact us and ask for advice. Professionals is the best way, safety way, and the fastest way to get rid of mice. We have will experienced team that can deal with any number of mice. Our team will drive them back out and make sure they don’t come back.