Learn about booklice, the causes of their presence and ways to get rid of them

These fast-moving insects, light brown in color, are small in size, only 1 to 2 mm long. Their body is divided into three parts: the head, chest and abdomen, the head bears a pair of long and slender antennae.

What are the materials that booklice feed on?

Booklice feed on fungi, algae and organic waste. High humidity promotes the growth of mold in cereals and other stored food products; it is this rot that attracts booklice. Also, the starches found in wallpaper, books, fabrics, furniture and paintings promote the growth of mold and make these items an appetite for booklice. Booklice search for mold to feed on, exposing books, documents and antique fabrics to attack.

Do booklice harm humans?

Booklice are not known to carry or transmit diseases; it is not considered a health threat. Unlike common lice, they do not bite and are not harmful to humans. It also does not contain poison, so even if they are able to bite, they do not pose any real health risk to humans.

How do I get rid of booklice?

Most humans do not like to see insects in their surroundings, so follow these tips to get rid of booklice:

  • Keep stored items dry, away from moisture, which may expose them to mold. So use dehumidifiers.
  • Try to ventilate the warehouse periodically and open the windows to renew air and sunlight.
  • You can protect stored food by keeping it in sealed plastic or glass jars.
  • Spraying diatomaceous earth or boric acid in the cracks and in the places where this insect is present; to help dry out the area.
  • Remove any infested items, and store the rest in plastic bags for two days in the freezer.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the floors and any infected areas.
  • Repair any leaks or drips in water pipes, and dry up standing water that may cause mold and fungus growth.

If you do not want booklice or any kind of insects in your home; at Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to eliminate it and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A professional team will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive examination inside and outside. They will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.