What do beetles look like? From where beetles come? How do I get rid of it?

What do beetles look like?

Size: Beetles come in many shapes, sizes, and colors; some are long and slender while others have an oval or round shape. There are even beetles that look like spiders.

Characteristics: Beetles have well-developed antennae.

Wings: Beetles have front wings. These wings are often very stiff and look more like a solid shell than wings. The beetle folds the front wings so that it covers the back wings. And it acts as a protection against dehydration and water resistance.

From where beetles come?

Your home can attract beetles for many different reasons. Many species of beetles look for stored grains such as rice, wheat, and canned food. Others will feed on garden plants, wood or fabric. Beetles may enter our homes by purchasing infected products. Some of them take shelter in the winter to avoid the cold weather. They may enter the home through cracks in the walls or openings around door and window frames.

How do I get rid of beetles?

Beetles are a nuisance, there are beetles that invade the fabric, beetles that consume food products and crops, and beetles that destroy wood. Reducing their hiding places will prevent them from entering and breeding in your home.

Here are the following ways to get rid of it:

  • Some beetles can be removed by simply using a vacuum cleaner or any other method to remove these insects.
  • Make sure to check foodstuffs, fabrics and wood items before purchasing them and bringing them home.
  • If you find infected food items, fabrics or wood get rid of them to prevent spread.
  • Clean the sewage network and do not leave foodstuffs, especially legumes, for long periods of time in the store, and be sure to check them and consume the oldest.
  • Get rid of clothes you no longer use, clean cabinets periodically and check clothes that may be infected with fabric beetles.
  • Use anti-beetle products such as sprays.
  • Cracks and openings in walls must be sealed and sealed; the beetles may try to get into your home through it.

If you don’t get rid of the beetles right away, they will breed and continue to spread throughout your home. You have cleaned and cleaned, but have been unable to find where they are and how they reproduce or are worried about dealing with such pests. In Storm, we can address the issue and eliminate it and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. Just get in touch and let us do the rest.