Are household spiders a danger to humans? What are the methods of prevention?

House spiders can bite but have no venom, and the vast majority of spiders avoid contact with humans. But whether or not they bite, most people are concerned about having spiders in their homes and they trying to get rid of them.

It’s normal to fear spiders, which have a lot of legs and almost all of them are venomous even though the majority of species have a toxin that is too weak to cause problems for humans. If you see a spider in the house, it probably won’t hurt you. So do not try to kill it because it is an important part of nature and our internal ecosystem; in addition, it feeds on other harmful pests such as mosquitoes and flies, all you have to do is place a container over it, pull it out and gently place it outside. However, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent spiders from invading your home.

How do I get rid of spiders inside my house?

Spiders may come indoors during the winter to escape the cold and during the summer to escape the high temperatures. Spiders get into the home through cracks around windows and doors.

Having spiders inside my house can cause fear and anxiety for family members; so here are the following tips for prevention and disposal:

  • Regular and thorough home cleaning: It is the best way to eliminate spiders and discourage their return. A regular vacuum or broom removes spiders, grids, and egg sacs. Destroying the egg sacs is critical as they can each contain hundreds of tiny spiders.
  • Get rid of spider food: Get rid of any dead flies or any small crawling insects that might bring spiders.
  • Get rid of the garbage immediately to not bring in insects, which are a main source of food for spiders.
  • Removing spider webs: The spider creates webs to help trap its prey; so periodically clean ceiling corners, hanging pictures, and antiques to make sure you remove spider webs.
  • Reducing illumination: Insects are attracted to light; Flies and moths are perfect prey for spiders, so turn off any outdoor lights if you don’t want them.
  • Put scents that spiders hate: Spiders do not like the smell of citrus fruits, such as lemon, orange, mint oil, garlic and vinegar, so try to spray places where spiders may be by spraying these ingredients.
  • Crack sealing: Make sure to seal cracks and openings in walls, windows and doors.
  • Make a household spider repellent from table salt and water; spray this mixture in the garden and around the home once a week.
  • Clean gutters so that dams do not create gathering places for insects; which are prey for spiders.

You notice a large number of spiders infesting your home and feel that their shape and size is cause for concern; you were afraid to deal with it. Don’t worry in Storm we deal with the spiders and with any kind of insects or pests that bother you, we have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems; just get in touch and let us do the rest.