9 Ways to Get Rid of Mollusks in Your Garden

Mollusks are invertebrate creatures. Some  of them having mucus-covered on their body some of them have  a shell. They leave behind them a stickiness that no one like to see it in his garden. There are many reasons why people do not want to see these mollusks in their homes and gardens. Mollusks reproduce in water tanks, aquariums, fish ponds, on tree trunks and stems of plants.

Why you had to get rid of snails and mollusks?

Reproduction of mollusks in the gardens means damage such as:

  • Mollusks can clog tank, and filters.
  • Causing a real damage to your garden.
  • Some of Mollusks can kill fish.
  • Mollusks are hosts for deadly microorganisms.

9 Ways to get rid of snails and mollusks in your Garden

1.      Use liquid baits to get rid of mollusks

Iron phosphate liquid form is one of the most effective mollusks killing methods. They are placed in a bowl and left aside until the mollusks crawl and sink in.

Another natural way is to use a mixture of sugar and yeast in water, you can put this mixture also in grape juice instead of water, then put the s mixture in a wide-mouthed jar bury the jar.  The smell of the mixture will attract the mollusks, they will crawl in and drown.

2.      Use dry baits to get rid of mollusks

Dry baits such as (methiocarb) and (metaldehyde) are suitable for eradicating mollusks, hover dry baits can pets. If you had to use dry baits to get rid of mollusks you need to sprinkle them in right place.

3.      Change Your Watering Schedule

Changing your watering schedule is one of a great way to combat mollusks. To make your garden more dryer and less favorable for mollusks you will start watering in morning instead night.

4.      . Use mollusks traps.

Natural Mollusk Traps:

Halves of watermelon or grapefruit upside down on the ground, can helping you. Scent attracts mollusks from their hideouts, then, in the morning you can take the mollusks that collect under these halves and kill them or get rid of them.

Unnatural Mollusks Traps:

Metal. You can use copper shrapnel or metal tape. The copper creates electricity in the body of these mollusks when they walk on it and then kill them.

Diatomaceous earth, which is a non-toxic substance that is used as a powder. It sprinkled around infected places. This powder causes tearing of mollusks bodies when they walk on it.

Simple electrical barrier around parks. A very slight electrical charge does not kill the pets and may not even feel them, but it creates an uncomfortable feeling for the mollusks that push them away from the place.

5.      Grow Gastropod-Resistant Plants

Lavender, rosemary, sage, poppy, geranium, begonia, fuchsia, nasturtium, and else. All these aromatic plants are a resistant and repellent plants that can helps you get rid of mollusks.

6.       Breeding mollusk-devouring animals

Chickens, geese, ducks, turtles, frogs, and hedgehogs are all domestic animals that can be raised for hobbyists and breeders, these animals devour slugs and slugs, other animals include snakes and beetles, can be also helpful but sure you may not prefer having them in your home garden or your agricultural land.

If these mollusks are in your fish pond, then scavengers and catfish are shell-eating fish that you can raise to get rid of the mollusks

7.      Use chemicals to kill mollusks

Garlic solution or salt solution are a natural substances that directly kill the mollusks. There also a chemicals that directly kill the mollusks. Aluminum sulfate, potassium permanganate, and other materials, are effective in killing mollusks, but be aware some of these deadly chemicals may harm the pets, or even killing them also.

8.  Kill mollusks eggs

Slugs and mollusks are creatures that reproduce with eggs. They lay their eggs on the surface of the soil. Turning and sweeping the soil constantly kills the eggs of these pests and gets rid of them.

9. Get rid of mollusks with the help of specialized companies

Some people hate dealing with a mollusk pest on their own, also, not everyone has the ability to deal with chemicals. Hiring companies that specialize in controlling pests such as mollusks is the best solution if you are looking for accuracy and speed.


Mollusks are invertebrate creatures that feed on plant leaves. They breed in wetlands. To thrive of your garden, you must work to prevent them, and get rid of them quickly if they start to multiply before they turn into a pest.