Flies the causes of their spread and methods of prevention and fight

Flies are among the largest groups of insects, unlike most other winged insects; that has four wings, flies have only two wings. This difference distinguishes them from almost all other types of insects.

Flies spread at least 200 pathogens and parasites; house flies, which are the most common type, can transmit at least 65% of diseases, according to the World Health Organization. As these insects abound in garbage cans, rotten meat, spoiled food, stagnant water, sewage, and excrement, and it abounds in the summer with high temperatures. Flies pick up pathogens present in these areas and then can transfer them to anywhere they land, whether it is the surfaces we touch or the food we eat. Some of the diseases known to be spread by flies include (but are not limited to):

  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Diarrhea and stomach and intestinal infections
  • Salmonella
  • Tuberculosis
  • Skin diseases
  • Food poisoning

There are some things you can do in your home or business to help prevent the spread of flies. Tips for preventing flies include the following:

  • Make sure to cover foods and put them in the refrigerator.
  • Remove any items that attract flies, which could include moldy food and dirty drains. Dispose of garbage regularly and put it in sealed bags, clean sinks well and never leave food outdoors for long periods.
  • Regularly clean and sanitize kitchens and bathrooms. If you have spilled a drink or food, clean the area immediately with a cleaning liquid and sanitizer.
  • If you have pets at home, make sure to clean them and the place you are in first.
  • Clean the garden of your home from stuck waste or rotting food.
  • Make sure that there is no stagnant water on the roof of your house or garden.
  • Make sure to clean the drains and the bathtub Periodically. And be careful not to have moisture in the area because fly larvae cannot reproduce without some sources of water and moisture.
  • Block any openings that may be in the water drainage network.

Before thinking about eliminating flies, determine where they are located and the cause of their spread. Then use one of the following methods to combat it:

  • Traps
  • Lightning
  • Repellent sprays
  • Use insecticides if you notice the presence of flies, and be sure to control them from the beginning, because the flies reproduce very quickly.

There are more than 120 thousand different types of flies, and all of them cause inconvenience to humans no matter where they are, and no matter how many ways to combat them, so if you feel upset and helpless when dealing with flies, do not hesitate to contact Storm for sterilization services and control of insects and public pests, it has a staff can help you at any time.