The hedgehog is a nocturnal creature with a mission to combat insects.
The hedgehog is a small animal famous for its benefit in combating harmful pests and insects, in gardens, parks and wild places, it can eliminate many types such as: snakes, mice, mollusks, ants, frogs, worms and others.
The hedgehog shape:
The average length of a hedgehog is 19 cm. Its weight does not exceed 1 kilogram, its color ranges from white to brown, its back covers the thorns, the ears are long, it has a rectangular mouth and its tail does not exceed 2.5 cm, and it has a head without a neck and short legs, when it feels threatened pellets himself into a spiny ball with which it fights his enemies, and by means of its mouth hidden in its rotation, which it creates, it captures the guilt of the snakes and eliminates them.

Hedgehog food:
The hedgehog is considered a nocturnal organism, it sleeps most of the hours of the day, and its sleep hours during the day range to more than 18 hours, the hedgehog searches for its food at night, and is very active in moonlit nights, but in winter it practices winter hibernation in burrows, relying on the senses of hearing and smell to find On its prey because it is visually impaired, and it can smell its prey from a distance of 100 meters, its fangs help it to cut any prey, and it bears the poison up to 50 times, this makes it enter the burrows of snakes and scorpions and feed on them and their eggs, as it feeds on snails, fruits and other insects.
Hedgehog mating and breeding:
Hedgehogs make strange noises during their mating sounds like human voices and humming, which disturbs people in the summer and July, August and September are the months in which a female hedgehog gives birth after it finishes 40 days of pregnancy, and it gives birth once a year and gives birth to one to four hedgehogs at a time at the year and the young hedgehogs after their birth without thorns and without eyesight, as they begin to see after the first week, and they eat after 21 days of their birth. The mothers stay with the young for a period ranging between 4-7 weeks, and during this period the mothers guard against other male hedgehogs, which sometimes prey on the young of their species.
It is rare for mothers to prey on their young if the nest is in danger, but the prevailing behavior in this case is to transfer the young to a new nest.
Varieties of hedgehog:
1. European hedgehog, distinguished by its long ears.
2. Middle Eastern hedgehog, distinguished by its long nose.
3. African hedgehog, distinguished by its brownish color.

Benefits of the hedgehog in folk medicine:
Since the Middle Ages, the use of hedgehogs has been common in folk and traditional medicine, as it treats asthma patients by slaughtering, cooking, eating and drinking its broth, as well as the ashes of burned hedgehogs used to treat stinking sores, and treat cases of dropsy, vitiligo and leprosy.
Ibn Sina mentioned in his book Single Medicines that hedgehog meat is useful in treating tuberculosis, relieves the joint and nerve pain, and treats spasms, sores, bites and other countless diseases.
How does hedgehog kill insects?
Hedgehogs are found in hot places like deserts and are now present in all parts of the world, and they are reported to devour snakes and dangerous life in residential places, gardens, homes, parks and public recreational places, where the sense of smell and hearing in hedgehogs helps to locate pests and attack them in their burrows, such as scorpions, mice, Ants, frogs, and its 44-toothed teeth help them tear apart any prey, and they can devour three times their size in one night.
The hedgehog is considered a friend to humans and the environment, by eating its meat cooked or using it in various ways, it becomes an effective treatment for many diseases, and at the same time it is used as a natural control mechanism against insects and pests, and we also do not forget that there are solutions provided by Storm for sterilization and control of insects and general pests. Disturbed by any kind of insects and pests do not hesitate to communicate with them, they will be at your service around the clock.