Category Archives: Insect & Pest Control

Do domestic animals and birds attract insects and rodents?

Some people used to raise birds such as poultry, ducks, pigeons, geese and other birds and pets such as dogs and cats. But it is considered one of the main reasons for attracting insects to the home and its inhabitants. If you are a bird or dog breeder in your yard, keep reading the article to find out information that interests you.

Rats are attracted to bird food, water, and even eggs. Mice and rats are not only predators of birds and eggs. It also transmits disease to both birds and humans. Rats can climb and jump to enter bird cages or even dig.

Bird keepers need to inspect their cages and their surroundings first, and this includes checking sanitation and food and drink sources that are attractive to rats. It is preferable not to leave bird food at night, and if this is not possible, the cages should be vaccinated. And try to remove the eggs in the morning and do not leave them in the evening because they are the main food for rodents.

There is what is known as “chicken body louse.” This type of louse is specific to chickens. Where lice live their life stages on a bird, feeding mainly on feathers and sometimes on blood. Lice are a nuisance that cause loss of feathers and reduce egg production.

There are flat, dark brown fleas that live on the bodies of birds such as cat or dog fleas; it feeds on the blood of birds and animals, causing stress and sometimes death for birds. Flea eggs fall into the soil containing organic matter that helps them grow; to keep birds and other animals safe, and even for you and your family, be sure to clean the barn first. Like fleas there are also mites that feed on the bodies of birds.

As for dealing with these pests, parasites can be transferred to your barn by other contaminated birds, equipment or humans so it is important to exclude birds and their nests, as well as animals that can transfer parasites to your barn. Clean equipment and inspect birds and animals before bringing them into your garden. Regular cleaning of cages and removing litter can help remove the parasite’s life stages.

It’s a good idea to spot an infection early, so regularly monitor the presence of parasites, whether on animals’ bodies or where they are. Once you know you have a parasite, there are many options to combat it and limit its spread. There are pesticides in farm stores, but be sure to read and follow directions before using them. And consult a veterinarian, fleas can also be covered in gel to suffocate them.

Storm is a pest control and sterilization company. Aims to spread information about common insects and enriching Arabic content in the field of entomology; if you ever need our services, feel free to contact us.

Here are important tips to prevent and get rid of water bugs

What are water bugs?

Cockroaches are usually confused with water bugs due to the similarity of appearance. But water bugs are not of the same kind. Water bugs are aquatic insects and spend most of their time in water such as ponds, stagnant water or lakes; some use their paddle-like legs to swim, while others create surface tension for “water walking.” While cockroaches are wild insects. Water bugs are usually larger and darker in color than cockroaches. Water bugs also bite and attack humans while the cockroaches do not. Water bugs food sources include other insects and small fish. They might even enter our homes to escape the cold. In addition to the warmth, they gravitate towards the lights.

How to get rid of water bugs?

  • Put concentrated vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the affected area to kill it.
  • Pour vegetable oil on the affected area, which in turn will help separate the water bugs from the water and make it float to the surface.
  • Use water spray with dishwashing liquid and spray the affected area with repeating the process until the surface tension of the water changes and the remainder is not allowed to reach the surface to breathe.

How do I prevent the presence of water bugs in my house or my surroundings?

  • It is necessary to verify that any accumulated water is dried. In the event that a drink is spilled, especially sweet drinks, it must be cleaned immediately with the use of a cleaning liquid to remove any residue that attracts insects.
  • Always avoid keeping litter indoors overnight as this may attract water bugs and many other species.
  • Make sure your home is free of holes and cracks; Make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Clean gutters and make sure food debris and moisture do not accumulate.
  • Dry ventilation openings are a source of warm, moist air that attracts insects, so it must be checked and cleaned first.
  • Most insects do not like the smell of oils, such as peppermint oil, so spray peppermint oil to avoid insects from gathering.

If you have such insects in your home or do not like to deal with them and their presence annoys you. In this case, you need a specialized team. At Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to get rid of water bugs and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A specialized team will come to you and do a comprehensive examination; They will develop a personalized science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Learn about squash bugs’ damage, with tips for preventing and controlling it

What is a squash bug?

Squash bugs are brown or gray in color and flat back with black legs. The edges and bottom of the abdomen have orange stripes, are able to fly, move quickly and are often in groups below the foliage.

Squash bugs particularly attack squash, hence the name; it can also attack other crops in the squash family such as cucumber, melon and watermelon.

These insects spend their winter under wilted leaves, vines, under baseboards and even in buildings. They fly into gardens to mate as soon as the breeding season begins, and they lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves.

What is the harm of these insects to plants?

These insects inject the toxin into the plant and suck the juice from it with their sharp mouthparts. This causes yellow spots that eventually turn brown. The leaves will wilt because the infection prevents nutrients and water from getting to the leaves, and then they dry out and die. The leaves also sometimes have torn holes. It can eventually destroy the plant.

How to prevent these insects?

  • Preparation for prevention is in the fall. Make sure to burn down old squash fields to rid your farm of any potential breeding stashes.
  • Avoid having panels and straw in the garden because they attract insects.
  • Cover your field until the pollination begins.
  • You can delay planting squash after spring in the first months of summer.
  • Check the crop periodically, especially under the leaves of the plant.

How do I get rid of this harmful insect?

Early detection of the presence of these insects is of utmost importance as you discover them and get rid of them before they grow and multiply and cause a disaster! Here are some tips to get rid of this insect:

  • periodically inspect the field for it; in case you find it, do not try to crush it because it smells bad; just bring a small bowl of soapy water and leave it until it dies, then throw it away.
  • Weekly inspect the leaves of the plants for eggs that hatch within ten days. When you find them, scrape them off the leaves.
  • Try to catch it by placing a wooden board so that at night they will gather around it; and in the morning get rid of it.
  • Use an insecticide after consulting a specialist on the appropriate quality and manner of use.

Squash bugs can be a bane to your crop! If it is invaded a lot, it is very difficult to eliminate and can cause a lot of havoc. In this case, you need a specialized team. At Storm, we can address the issue and find the appropriate solution to get rid of it in a safe way and from any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A specialized team will come to you and do a comprehensive examination; they will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

If you suffer from an infestation of ladybugs; Here’s what you need to know

People in their homes may encounter an infestation of ladybugs. Why are they coming?!

These insects usually shelter in the winter in warmer and sheltered places such as cracks in rocks, tree trunks, walls, and other warm places. When ladybugs find a suitable place in the fall, they produce a pheromone (chemicals made of complex organic molecules that are used to transmit a signal from one animal to another) that attract other ladybugs. So it is common to find dozens if not hundreds at once. It may penetrate into our homes through electrical outlets, holes in the walls, doors and windows.

Ladybirds feed on aphids, not cloth or wood. If bothered, it can secrete a yellowish, smelly, protective liquid that stains yellow household furniture and may sting you. Despite that, ladybugs are relatively harmless to humans, but they are undoubtedly annoying, especially if there are large quantities that invade your home, penetrate windows and doors, and contaminate furniture.

These tips can be helpful for dealing with ladybugs:

  • Soap water: Fill a bottle with water and put several drops of liquid soap with it. Spray the insect with the solution to prevent it from breeding in your home.
  • Vacuuming: It is best to physically remove it as soon as it enters your home. So use a vacuum cleaner to remove it and do not forget to dispose of the garbage immediately after vacuuming so that it does not crawl to other places, be careful don’t touch it.
  • Diatomaceous earth: Sprinkle this white powder around windows and doors. This is an environmentally friendly way to kill insects. It also prevents insects from entering your home.
  • Use natural insect repellant: citrus and herbal oils, including cloves and bay leaves. These ingredients emit scents that repel ladybugs.
  • The best way to prevent them from coming this fall is by sealing the cracks around windows and doors.

If the infestation of this type of insects in large quantities invades your home, it is difficult to get rid of them on your own without a specialist; until spring comes so that they naturally return outside. If you are annoyed with it and cause you anxiety and want to remove it as soon as possible; in Storm we can address the issue and eliminate it and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. Just get in touch and let us do the rest.

What is the reason for the spread of pharaonic ants? How do I get rid of it?

Pharaoh’s ants were named this name in relation to the mistaken belief that it was one of Egypt’s plagues at the time of the Pharaohs. They are 1/16 inch long, yellow or honey to orange and often have a darker stomach. They have six legs and antennae.

Pharaonic ants build large colonies, with the number of working ants in them in the thousands, with more than one queen in each colony. It can quickly spread all over the place; in the event of turmoil, colony members migrate to other places to establish several new colonies through a process called “budding.”

Pharaonic ants love sugary substances, proteins, and they also feed on dead insects. Pharaonic ants live in warm and damp places and may enter homes and human places in search of food, because they cannot stay outside much.

Are Pharaoh’s ants dangerous?

Pharaoh’s ants can spread diseases and pathogens to humans. It’s been known to spread salmonella. Its presence inside hospitals poses a real danger, only contamination of medical equipment, and it may attack patients, transmit diseases to them and may enter patients’ wounds or even their mouths.

How can I prevent and combat pharaonic ants?

  • They may sneak into your home through holes and crevices to search for food; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Keep the house, and floors clean and free of food debris.
  • Since they are entering you in search of food and moisture, be sure to get rid of the garbage first.
  • Spray diatomaceous earth or boric acid to help get rid of moisture; and get rid of stagnant water.
  • Store firewood away from the house, and be sure to trim tree branches near windows and entrances to the house so that they are not a cause for the infiltration of ants and other insects.
  • You can buy insecticide bait that controls ants. Do not use an insecticide spray because it kills too few and may stimulate the growth of new colonies.

What if the injury is serious? And there were colonies that did not know their locations? In this case, you need a professional team. In Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to eliminate all kinds of ants and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A professional team will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive examination inside and outside the country. They will develop a personalized science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

What is the reason for the spread of small black ants? How do I get rid of it?

What does the shape of the little black ants look like?

Working black ants can reach 1.5 mm in size, and queens can reach 4 mm in size. Colored from very dark brown to jet black; it has six legs. Its body is divided into two parts. The little black ant has no spines and its chest is unevenly round. It feeds on vegetables, sweets, fatty substances and other insects such as aphids.

Why are black ants in my house?

Black ants prefer to live outdoors in decaying wood. It builds its colonies under stones, soil, rotting tree roots or debris in dark and out of sight areas and these colonies usually contain thousands of individuals. Black ants enter the home when they need moisture, warmth and food. They enter through cracks or holes in the walls. You find it in queues around the edges of the walls to search for food.

Do they pose a threat to humans?

Small black ants have very small needles that do not pose a real threat to humans, except that black ants can spread bacteria indoors while they search for food. Also, being in the house is annoying as it can invade your kitchen and feed on the foods in it.

How do I get rid and protect my home from black ants?

  • They may sneak into your home through holes and crevices to search for food; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Store firewood away from the house, and be sure to trim tree branches near windows and entrances to the house so that they are not a cause for the infiltration of ants and other insects.
  • Keep the house, and floors clean and free of food debris.
  • they enter your home in search of food and moisture, so make sure to cover foods and get rid of garbage first.
  • Treat plants from insects, especially aphids, regularly because they bring black ants.

If you feel that your home is full of black ants and you do not know how to get rid of or deal with it. In this case, you need a specialized team. At Storm, we can address the issue and find the appropriate solution to get rid of the black ant and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A specialized team will come to you and do a comprehensive examination; they will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Learn about kissing bug insects and how to deal with them when you find them in your home

What does the kissing bug look like?

Kissing bug wingless insects, about 1.9 cm long; they are dark brown or black with red or orange spots along the edge of their bodies. Kissing bug insects feed on blood, whether animal blood or human blood. They usually hide during the day and are active at night; they can go for weeks without food.

How dangerous is this insect to humans?

Known to bite around the face and mouth, this bite is painless, but it may swell and itch for a week. These insects sometimes transmit Chagas disease, a disease that causes serious heart and digestive problems that can be fatal.

What do I do when it bites me?

The following steps can help stop the itch and prevent infection:

  • Wash the affected areas of your body with soap.
  • Use an anti-itch lotion or cream to stop the itch.
  • You can place a wet towel with oatmeal on the affected area for 15 minutes.
  • Apply an ice pack to the swelling to stop it.
  • See your doctor if you notice worrisome complications.

How do these insects enter the house?

Cracks or holes in the walls that these insects may use to enter the house. Search your pet homes, poultry and bird cages. Find it in the yard.

How to prevent kissing bug?

You can prevent kissing bug from entering your home by following these tips:

  • They may enter your home through holes and crevices; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Store firewood away from the house, and be sure to trim tree branches near windows and entrances.
  • Remove and remove piles of fallen leaves and rocks from your home.

What do I do if I found it in my house?

If you find this insect in your home, we recommend that you do not touch or crush it. We just suggest you place a container over the insect for 24 hours, then pull it inside the container.

If you or your pet have been bitten and suspect you have been exposed to Chagas disease, you should contact the nearest health center.

If you are alarmed by this insect and want to get rid of it as soon as possible. In this case, you need a specialized team. At Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to eliminate this insect and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A specialized team will come to you and do a comprehensive examination; they will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Why are there scorpions in my house? How do I get rid of it?

Scorpions are members of the spider family with nearly 2,000 different species; fortunately, only about 30 or 40 species of scorpions are poisonous to humans and carry venom in their tails. It is commonly found in desert conditions; she can also live in forests. These creatures have been around for millions of years thanks to their skills to survive in difficult environmental conditions, which allow them to adapt to different weather changes, conditions and climatic changes.

But what can attract scorpions to your home?

A scorpion’s attraction to a home is usually caused by one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Abundant humidity in the home: If the humidity levels in your home are high due to natural conditions, such as if you live in an area prone to flooding. One of the most important reasons for a scorpion to enter a home is to search for water, then food.
  • The presence of insects in the house: if your house contains other insects such as cockroaches and ants; it is not surprising that scorpions stalk these prey.
  • The presence of places in the house that may be a hiding place for scorpions: the top priority for a scorpion shelter is that it be dark. These creatures are most active at night.

How do I get rid of scorpions inside my home?

Here are the following steps to help you get rid of scorpions in your home:

  • Get rid of excess moisture: Scorpions enter homes in search of water, so keep the house dry and eliminate leaks.
  • Get rid of insects in your home: Scorpions feed on insects, so if you have a problem with cockroaches, ants, or other insects in the house, you will need to solve this problem before the scorpions are gone.
  • Removing dark areas where scorpions may hide.
  • Crack Sealer: Make sure to seal cracks and openings in walls, windows, and doors.
  • Clean gutters: so that dams does not create gathering places for insects; which are prey for scorpions.
  • Spraying insecticide intended for scorpions: spraying insecticides around windows and doors; apply insecticide to any stacked materials that scorpions may hide in.
  • Place sticky dishes: Sticky dishes designed to catch insects or mice work well in trapping scorpions. Place them around water sources and in dark corners of your home.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon around the home: Ground cinnamon is a natural scorpion repellant. Spray it in dark areas and window sills to keep scorpions away.

Just the name alone is a cause for panic, if you notice a large number of scorpions invading your home and you feel that their shape and size are cause for concern; I was afraid to deal with it. Don’t worry in Storm we deal with the scorpions and with any kind of insects or pests that bother you, we have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems; just get in touch and let us do the rest.

Tips to get rid of and prevent black cockroaches

Unlike common domestic cockroaches which tend to be light brown or reddish brown; the black cockroach or what is known as the oriental cockroach has a bright black to dark reddish brown color. It has segmented, shiny bodies, long antennae, short spiny legs, and a pair of appendages at the bottom of their bodies.

The male is somewhat different from the female in shape so that the size of the female is a maximum of 32 mm while the male is a maximum of 25 mm; the male is also distinguished by the prominence of its wings.

When do black cockroaches appear?

Black cockroaches love moist, dark, and nourished areas. It is found most often in sewage and sewage network. They are attracted to kitchen cabinets that are close to the pipes and into which water may leak, causing moisture and abundant food. You may find it in bathrooms where moisture is.

What is the danger of having these insects in my house?

Black cockroaches feed on garbage, filth, decomposing organic matter, insects and love starch-containing materials such as grains and bread; thus, it is able to carry dangerous pathogens to humans, such as salmonella. And through its transportation, it can transfer the disease to clean places through the remains that are attached to its legs and bodies.

What are the ways to get rid and prevent these insects?

Eliminating these insects may be somewhat difficult, especially as they are accustomed to living in harsh conditions, so you find them able to survive and escape in places that you may not be able to reach. With that, here are the most important tips to get rid and prevent these dangerous and disgusting insects:

  • They may sneak into your home through holes and crevices to search for food; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Since they are entering you in search of food and moisture, be sure to dispose of the garbage as soon as possible.
  • Repair any leaks or drips in water pipes, and dry off stagnant water that causes moisture.
  • Spray diatomaceous earth or boric acid to help remove moisture.
  • Use an insecticide spray intended to kill black cockroaches; with the need to be careful not to use it and keep it away from children.

The insecticide may succeed in killing one or two of them, but what do you do with the rest of the cockroaches that hide and breed in the sewer? In this case, you need a specialized team to deal with this insect. At Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to eliminate cockroaches of all kinds and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A professional team will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive examination inside and outside. They will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Learn about bats and their role in an ecosystem

Bats are small creatures with long, thin wings and large ears. Their wings are hairless, but their bodies are covered in shiny brown or black fur. There are more than 1,300 species of bats around the world, making them the second most common group of mammals after rodents. The bat has four long fingers and one thumb, whose fingers are connected by a thin layer of skin. It is the only mammal in the world that can fly. The elastic skin membrane and the joints allow them to quickly change direction and catch insects in the air.

Bats are very important to humans and the environment, as insect-eating bats consume millions of insects every night, thus they act as a natural control of plant pests, as they help farmers to get rid of harmful pests and reduce the use of toxic pesticides that cost them large amounts every year. Also, nectar-drinking bats pollinate plants. Some people may think that bats are blind, but this is not true, as they can see, but their eyesight is relatively weak.

How dangerous are bats to humans?

Bat droppings dirty the walls, and the accumulation of faeces can cause an unpleasant lung disease. Bats also have sharp teeth and are able to bite when they feel threatened; this increases the risk of developing a deadly disease that targets the brain and nervous system. Bats can also transmit other dangerous diseases, including the Ebola virus.

What do bats eat?

Using echolocation, bats catch flying insects all night long. Among the most popular insects that moths feed on are beetles, mosquitoes and ants.

Where are bats?

Bats can be found almost everywhere, except for polar regions and extremely hot deserts. They spend daylight hours usually hiding in crevices that keep them hidden and protected. You may find them caves, tree hollows, abandoned and old buildings.

How do you deal with bats if you find them in your surroundings?

If you see bats in your home or basement, and in dark places, you should not try to deal with them, because trying to deal with bats may lead to injury or disease. Alternatively, you can contact Storm to find an appropriate solution to deal with it and with any kind of insects or pests that bother you, we have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A professional team will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive examination inside and outside. They will develop a personalized science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.