What is the reason for the spread of small black ants? How do I get rid of it?

What does the shape of the little black ants look like?

Working black ants can reach 1.5 mm in size, and queens can reach 4 mm in size. Colored from very dark brown to jet black; it has six legs. Its body is divided into two parts. The little black ant has no spines and its chest is unevenly round. It feeds on vegetables, sweets, fatty substances and other insects such as aphids.

Why are black ants in my house?

Black ants prefer to live outdoors in decaying wood. It builds its colonies under stones, soil, rotting tree roots or debris in dark and out of sight areas and these colonies usually contain thousands of individuals. Black ants enter the home when they need moisture, warmth and food. They enter through cracks or holes in the walls. You find it in queues around the edges of the walls to search for food.

Do they pose a threat to humans?

Small black ants have very small needles that do not pose a real threat to humans, except that black ants can spread bacteria indoors while they search for food. Also, being in the house is annoying as it can invade your kitchen and feed on the foods in it.

How do I get rid and protect my home from black ants?

  • They may sneak into your home through holes and crevices to search for food; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Store firewood away from the house, and be sure to trim tree branches near windows and entrances to the house so that they are not a cause for the infiltration of ants and other insects.
  • Keep the house, and floors clean and free of food debris.
  • they enter your home in search of food and moisture, so make sure to cover foods and get rid of garbage first.
  • Treat plants from insects, especially aphids, regularly because they bring black ants.

If you feel that your home is full of black ants and you do not know how to get rid of or deal with it. In this case, you need a specialized team. At Storm, we can address the issue and find the appropriate solution to get rid of the black ant and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A specialized team will come to you and do a comprehensive examination; they will develop a science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.