What is the reason for the spread of pharaonic ants? How do I get rid of it?

Pharaoh’s ants were named this name in relation to the mistaken belief that it was one of Egypt’s plagues at the time of the Pharaohs. They are 1/16 inch long, yellow or honey to orange and often have a darker stomach. They have six legs and antennae.

Pharaonic ants build large colonies, with the number of working ants in them in the thousands, with more than one queen in each colony. It can quickly spread all over the place; in the event of turmoil, colony members migrate to other places to establish several new colonies through a process called “budding.”

Pharaonic ants love sugary substances, proteins, and they also feed on dead insects. Pharaonic ants live in warm and damp places and may enter homes and human places in search of food, because they cannot stay outside much.

Are Pharaoh’s ants dangerous?

Pharaoh’s ants can spread diseases and pathogens to humans. It’s been known to spread salmonella. Its presence inside hospitals poses a real danger, only contamination of medical equipment, and it may attack patients, transmit diseases to them and may enter patients’ wounds or even their mouths.

How can I prevent and combat pharaonic ants?

  • They may sneak into your home through holes and crevices to search for food; so make sure to check and seal any cracks or holes in the walls.
  • Keep the house, and floors clean and free of food debris.
  • Since they are entering you in search of food and moisture, be sure to get rid of the garbage first.
  • Spray diatomaceous earth or boric acid to help get rid of moisture; and get rid of stagnant water.
  • Store firewood away from the house, and be sure to trim tree branches near windows and entrances to the house so that they are not a cause for the infiltration of ants and other insects.
  • You can buy insecticide bait that controls ants. Do not use an insecticide spray because it kills too few and may stimulate the growth of new colonies.

What if the injury is serious? And there were colonies that did not know their locations? In this case, you need a professional team. In Storm, we can address the issue and find an appropriate solution to eliminate all kinds of ants and any kind of insects or pests that bother you. We have a specialized team capable of solving all these problems. A professional team will come to your home and conduct a comprehensive examination inside and outside the country. They will develop a personalized science-backed treatment plan that best meets your needs.